Gallium nitride (GaN) is a wide-bandgap material that could take electronic performance to the next level. The pervasive use of GaN-based devices will enable the development of power electronic systems with energy losses close to zero in addition to a much lower volume/weight and lower systems cost.
The EU-funded GaN for Advanced Power Applications (GaN4AP) project plans to make GaN-based electronics the primary technology for active devices in all power conversion systems. The project targets the development of innovative power electronic systems, innovative materials, and a new generation of vertical power devices based on GaN. Furthermore, it plans to develop new intelligent and integrated GaN solutions both in system-in-package and monolithic variances.
The development of new power supply devices and circuits using GaN-based electronics is crucial for the global competitiveness of EU industries.
GaN4AP Consortium covers all the fundamental value chain bricks, from the GaN device manufacturer, assembly house to the automotive end user (both TIER 1 & 2), completed by top academic institutes and other tool or service providers (simulation software, measurement tools, etc.).
GaN4AP project will address the markets of:
● Automotive (efficient power electronics for electric and hybrid vehicles)
● Renewable energy (power converter and inverter for solar energy)
● Consumer electronics (AC/DC DC/DC converters)
● Industrial electronics (Motor drivers and power conversions)
GaN4AP project has received funding from the ECSEL JU. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Netherland.