Link: Borsa della Ricerca

The Borsa della Ricerca is an initiative aimed to promote contact between the world of research university (groups, departments, spin offs), startups, companies, incubators and investors (public and private) through an original interaction format capable of concretely facilitating the technological transfer and financial support for research.

The main objective is to create a real hub, to support innovation and growth of the country system, capable of involving as many realities as possible in one open innovation logic.

Within the Forum, the annual and national appointment of the Borsa della Ricerca, whose format focuses on one-to-one meetings and pitches, the 2023 edition offered the Expo PNRR, an exhibition area dedicated to research and development projects financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

The Borsa della Ricerca is promoted by the Emblema Foundation. The fifteenth edition of the Forum was co-organized with the University of Catania (UNICT) and took place at the Benedictine Monastery.

Emblema and UNICT are both partners of the Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi, which was among the participants and managed its own full schedule of Forum meetings.