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International GaN4AP Workshop

Link: International GaN4AP Workshop


The University of Catania (UNICT) is working to organize the International GaN4AP Workshop.

It will be held in Catania (Italy) on February 20-21 2025.

The event will be a scientific forum bringing together leading specialists working in different areas of gallium nitride (GaN) technology, both from universities, research centers and industries.

The Call for Papers flyer is available at the following link.

Third Project review – Munich (Germany), 12-13 September 2024


The third review of the GaN4AP project was hosted by the partner WÜRTH ELEKTRONIK, at their premises in Munich (Germany).

In the morning of the first day the project partners (31 out of a total of 34 current participants) were involved in an effective rehearsal meeting. The formal review with JU experts began in the afternoon and the project coordinator and scientific lead provided a comprehensive overview of the status of the project. All those present then visited the WÜRTH laboratories and were able to appreciate the showcase of a considerable number of demonstrators among those foreseen by the project.

A social dinner was the nice completion of the first day.

On the second day, the Cluster Leaders and WP Leaders provided the Experts with a detailed overview of the status of the project and the results achieved at the end of the third year of activity.

The technical leaders and the coordination team answered many questions posed by the Experts, and some project partners provided further information on their activities.  In general, all project partners actively participated in a collaborative climate.

Summer School of Information Engineering (SSIE) – Brixen (Italy), 8-12 July 2024

Link: Summer School of Information Engineering (SSIE)

The Summer School of Information Engineering (SSIE) 2024 was held in Brixen (Italy) from July 8th to July 12th. The school was divided in two tracks, the first one on Machine Learning and its Applications, and the second on GaN and related materials.

The Track 2 counted in total 37 participants and 13 invited speakers.  The topics of the school were carefully selected to cover all the different aspects of the GaN technology, from crystal growth and device processing to reliability, with insights on the industrial and final applications.

The participants also had the chance to present their research work during the Student Workshop, an afternoon session with 15 presentations given by PhD students.

The nature of the PhD school was exactly to disseminate the activities carried out in the GaN4AP project.  Some of the Partners (IHPP, DTMNS-CNR, IUNET, Valeo) contributed invited lectures.
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GaN marathon 2024 – Verona (Italy), 10-12 June 2024

Link: GaN MARATHON 2024

The GaN Marathon 2024 was held in the heart of Verona, a UNESCO world heritage and set of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.

Several invited and regular speakers from Europe and overseas discussed the latest advancement of GaN technologies in microwave, mm-wave, 5G communications, power conversion and optoelectronics.

The event was organiized by IUNET-UNIPD and other GaN4AP partners (CNRS, DTSMNS-CNR, and IHPP) participated in the event.  In particular, the following prsentations were given:

  • M. Bockowski (IHPP, invited talk) GaN-on-GaN technology from the perspective of materials science
  • F. Ercolano (IUNET-UNIMORE) TCAD analysis of the High-Temperature Reverse-Bias Stress on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
  • G. Meneghesso (IUNET-UNIPD) The Gan4AP projects: results and challenges 
  • Y. Cordier (CNRS-CHREA) Evaluation of ScAlN/GaN HEMTs grown by ammonia source molecular beam epitaxy
  • G. Greco (DTSMNS-CNR, poster presentation) – Transport mechanisms in “Au free” contacts for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs

WOCSDICE EXMATEC 2024 – Heraklion (Greece), 19-23 May 2024


The 47th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits held in Europe and 18th Expert Evaluation and Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials and Technologies (WOCSDICE-EXMATEC 2024) was held in the city of Heraklion, in Crete, Greece.

Four oral presentations were given at the conference WOCSDICE-EXMATEC 2024, by the Gan4AP partners DTSMSN-CNR, UNITOU, and CNRS-CRHEA. Specifically, the speakers covered the following topics:

  • E. Schilirò (DTSMNS-CNR) Effects of annealing treatment on vertical Al2O3/GaN capacitors
  • Q. Paoli (UNITOU) Robustness of the Au/Ni ohmic contact on p-type GaN through microelectronic manufacturing processes
  • Y. Cordier (CNRS-CHREA) ScAlN/GaN HEMTs grown by ammonia source molecular beam epitaxy
  • G. Greco (DTSMNS-CNR) – Forward conduction mechanism in W-based Schottky contacts on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures

MAM2024 Milan, 18-21 March

Link: MAM2024

MAM 2024 (Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference) was the 31st in a series of conferences devoted to research on materials and processes for the back and front end of the line, including interconnect and silicide materials. The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for open discussions across fundamental and applied sciences and industrial applications.

During the conference, the GaN4AP partners (DTSMNS-CNR, ST, UNITOU, IUNET-UNIMORE) contributed invited lectures in the Workshop on Wide Band Gap Semiconductors and Devices.
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Borsa della Ricerca – Catania, 21-23 October 2023


Link: Borsa della Ricerca

The Borsa della Ricerca is an initiative aimed to promote contact between the world of research university (groups, departments, spin offs), startups, companies, incubators and investors (public and private) through an original interaction format capable of concretely facilitating the technological transfer and financial support for research.

The main objective is to create a real hub, to support innovation and growth of the country system, capable of involving as many realities as possible in one open innovation logic. Read More

NanoInnovation 2023 Rome, 18-22 September


Link: NanoInnovation 2023

The event represents a well-established national meeting point for the wide and multidisciplinary community involved in the development of nanotechnology and its integration with other key enabling technologies, in all fields of application. Read More



Stay tuned with us!

Do you want to know the progress of the GaN4AP project?


Read here the second newsletter issued by the team: Open link   


Y2 Project Review – Cergy (France), 4-5 July 2023


The Y2 review of the GaN4AP project was hosted by the partner VALEO, at their premises in Cergy (France).

An effective rehearsal meeting among the project partners took place on the morning of the 4th of July. In the afternoon, also in the presence of the Project Officer and the JU Experts, there was the VALEO Marketing presentation followed by the laboratory visit.  A social dinner was the pleasant completion of the first day.

The 5th of July was devoted to the GaN4AP official review. Led by the Project Coordinator and the Scientific Responsible, the Cluster Leaders and WP Leaders provided the Experts with a clear picture of the project status and scientific results at the end of the second year of activities.

There was an open and constructive dialogue between the Experts and the Coordination team. The JU Experts and Project Officer provided their valuable comments and hints.

Almost all the project partners (33 out of a total of 35) actively participated in the review. During the two days, a remote connection was also available for people unable to be present.

This project has received funding from the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU), under grant agreement No.101007310. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Netherlands.